Jillian came home for fall break. We went to Gardner Village on Friday to see the witches. It was fun, but SOOOO crowded!
I'm shorter than both boys now. I knew it would happen eventually. Aren't they fine?

My Gracie is very used to posing for pictures. Can you tell?

My Jillian. It has been so great to have her home!
geez no posts for a week and this is it? we've got to do something more exciting with our time.
I thought it was a great post. Fantastic pictures. And we had a very exciting time this weekend!
i actually managed to not look like a stoner, i don't usually photograph well haha. And the gardener village thing wasn't all bad either,,, i guess.
How fun :)
I have never been to Gardner Village. I've wanted to go, but never had the opportunity! I know it's so cool during October, and I do have a few friends that like to go for the "witches night out"
Looks like you had a great time with the kids!!!
Ryan's comments are cracking me up. Funny young man.
Looks like you had fun. I love the photos.
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