Friday, February 13, 2009

He is 17 going on 18....

My brown eyed boy turned 17 today.
I almost didn't get to see him come into the world. The epidural wouldn't work, and they were getting impatient and wanted to just put me to sleep in order to cut him out. It was a close one, but I was able to hear his first little angry cry. My sister got to be in the operating room with me and Andrew, and witnessed his entrance as well. He was a chubby 8lb 4oz; my biggest baby. His dad was so happy to have a B.O.Y!
You are loved, son.


Jillian said...

Cute picture of Ty and Grace...and the cake looks delicious! ;)

Lesley said...

Happy birthday to Tyler! Isn't this also Valerie's birthday?

Lilian said...

Happy birthday Tyler!! I guess that means I have a 17 yr. old birthday coming up.... where did the time go?

Bea said...

Happy birthday Tyler.