Thursday, May 6, 2010


Tyler has been enmeshed in play practices and performances for weeks now...only 2 more performance left! Our po-dunk little High School has one of the BEST theatre/choir departments I've ever seen. This production is seriously akin to something you'd see at the Capitol Theatre. Seriously. There are only 2 nights left if you want to see it!
Ty has had such fun being a part of it. He's a "Muzzy Boy" and is in all of the ensemble scenes as well as a prominent part in the Muzzy-Boy song. Here is his bio from the program...

"This is Tyler's second play at Lehi High. He would like to thank Dallin, Landon, Kenzie, Mom and Ms. Nudd for all their guidance and support. Keep the music alive!"


Lilian said...

What a fun play! I love that these kids enjoy being a part of things like this! Theater, Choir, Band, etc. So awesome!

American Homemaker said...

Everyone I know went to see it since so many people from my ward were in it. I never made it though :(