Yesterday, my laptop freaked out.
I think it is alive and has a personality. It's the only explanation.
It worked great all morning, and then around 1:00 decided to start flashing a blue screen with strange symbols all over it. It refused all my attempts to commune with it: re-booting, caressing, chanting, swinging chickens over my head, crying.
Was is trying to discuss the recent rash of overuse with me? Perhaps. Like Joshua in the movie War Games..."Shall we play a game?"
I ask "Is this a game or is it real?" and he replies "What is the difference?" Maybe he was going for a game of Global Thermonuclear War....
All I know is that I grabbed Jillian's purple friend, placed a frantic email to The Guy Who Fixes All Things In The Family and within hours he magically breathed new life into my electronic life-line to the world. He even offers free door to door service. I'm positive that he and my beloved box of microchips had this discussion:
"What is the primary goal?"
"You should know Professor. You programmed me."
I'm a lucky girl. And here is another timely reminder to all of you: BACK UP YOUR FILES. DAILY. YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO YOU.
Now I'm imagining my laptop asking me "How about a nice game of chess?" Hee.