Saturday, April 23, 2011

Goodbye Spring Break

My spring break is officially over. No more vacations day off in May for Memorial Day?
So this week I:
*exercised every morning
*Got a physical (blood work came out perfect! :)
*Got Snickers to the vet for HER physical and shots.
*Cleaned out 2 cupboards and the pantry.
*Baked bran muffins and took them to a few lucky neighbors.
*Had a girls day.
*Got rid of the gray in my hair.
*Got Snickers hair done.
*Volunteered at Grace's school for about 6 hours doing interviews for new Board members...
*Started a recipe project (organizing and re-writing/typing all of my loose ones in preparation for a BIG family recipe project)
*Shopped for Easter (mailed Ty his loot) and cooked for Easter dinner.
*Got manicures with Grace...and took her to Justice for their big sale :)
*Saw TWO free movies.
*Took Ryan shopping for new church clothes.
*Cleaned the entire house.
*Took a load to the D.I.
*Vacuumed and cleaned my car.
*Oh and played Zuma on my laptop for too many minutes...ok...hours.

I'm pretty jazzed that it rained all week so I didn't have to worry about adding YARDWORK to that list...'cause I would have.
It's been a lovely week.


Lesley said...

It sounds like a wonderful week! I love productive weeks like that.

Bea said...

A change is as good as a rest. I love accomplishing a lot of stuff like this.
Poor Snickers, having to share your "misery"
Oh well. someone had too. :o)